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Something More Personal

.Tumblr Challenge: Day Seven.

The Once Tumblr, Now WordPress Challenge

Day One: 10 Things you want to say to 10 different people.
Day Two: 9 Things about yourself.
Day Three: 8 Ways to win your heart.
Day Four: 7 Things that cross your mind everyday.
Day Five: 6 Things you wish you had never done.
Day Six: 5 People who mean a lot. (No specific order)
Day Seven: 4 Turn-offs.
Day Eight: 3 Turn-ons.
Day Nine: 2 Favorite pictures.
Day Ten: 1 Confession.

Day Seven:

In my opinion, most people have mostly the same turn-offs.  I said “most people,” haha.  Also, I feel like it’s normal to have a little more than just four.  This would include minor turn-off, major-turn offs, and just real obvious social no-nos.  So, for this day, I’m just going to focus on my major turn-offs, the deal breakers.  Enjoy! :]

1.  Bad Hygiene.  Girls, please, please, please take care of yourselves.  Like I’ve said before, a girl that smells good can take my heart.  Therefore, the exact opposite is true.  Stank breath, stank body, and smelly clothes are all examples of ways to lose me.  To be honest, you’d probably lose anyone.  People that know me might say that I’m really not one to be talking because sometimes I go out to a party after work without showering, or I’ll go hang out with  people without showering that morning, but those are times that don’t really matter.  I’m talking about one-on-one time with another person.  If you’re going to hang out, shower.  If you’re going to a dinner, brush your teeth.  And, if you’re going on a date, wear clean clothes or at least spray yourself with something that smells nice.  Put in minor effort to at least seem clean.  I feel like I sound like a jerk right now, but I’m just trying to be honest.  This is my number one turn-off for a reason.  Don’t try to tell yourself that you would date a smelly person right now.  You’re lying, haha.

Here’s a true story that almost no one knows about: I was dating this girl a few years back.  I liked her, a lot.  But, there was this one time I picked her up from her house and she just smelled like food.  She’s Asian, so she smelled like Asian food; it was amazingly strong.  The smell filled my car the moment she walked into it.  We completely fell off after that.  Turn-off.  Deal breaker.  Okay, most of you are for sure thinking that I’m some kind of jerk.  But, seriously?  No.  At least try to smell good.  Try to come off fresh and clean.  Try to impress me, in the littlest of ways.  It’s the little things that matter, clearly.  Again, that was a few years back.  Today, I wouldn’t treat a girl that I really liked like that again, ever.  Haha.

2.  Obnoxious Girls.  I don’t know many guys that like loud obnoxious girls.  Be happy, be excited, and be celebratory!  But, don’t be obnoxious to the point that you’re stupid.  This is better explained with examples.

  • I think it’s cute when a girl burps.  I think it’s obnoxious when she burps as loud as she can, blows it into your face, and walks away laughing.  “Like a Boy” -Ciara.  Haha.
  • It’s really nice to see a girl having fun at a party.  Socializing.  Smiling.  But, when all you hear is her from across the room: turn-off.  It’s almost as if she not only wants to be the center of attention of the room, but the center of attention of the whole party.

Get it?  I hope that it makes sense.

3.  Unemotional girls.  This is kind of the opposite of Obnoxious Girls.  When a girl is really unemotional to a point where it seems like she’s just lazy, it’s a turn-off.  Unemotional means that she just doesn’t care about anything.  Anything includes you, me, herself, life, her future, school, etc.  Nothing.  I know that sounds very extreme, but I’m just exaggerating to get my point across.  Something I say often is, “Emotions are meant to be expressed.”  That’s actually a blog topic I’m saving, though.  Look for it soon.  Like I was saying, be happy.  Hug someone because you’re so happy.  Smile.  Cry if you want to.  Just show me that you’re human, too.

Oh, another type of unemotional is determined.  A girl who is so determined to succeed in one thing in her life is a good thing, right?  Not all the time.  Sometimes, a girl will get so caught up in that one thing she completely neglects things like love and the emotions associated with it.  How can you like or be attracted to a person that has no time for you, barely notices you, and could care less about you?  She may even see you as an obstacle in the way of her success.  That’s a definite turn-off for me.  How about you?

4.  Fake/Shady Girls.  This is pretty obvious.  I’m sure you’re tired of reading and I’m a little tired of writing and editing.  I’ll keep this brief.

No one likes a send-off.  No one like a flake.  No one likes a shady, secret keeping person.  No one likes a finger pointer.  No one like a sneaky, sneak back-stabber.  And, no one likes liars.  Don’t be any of those.  Just be honest, it makes everything easier for everyone.  Just be you, unless you’re naturally a fake/shady person.  Then, I can’t really help you there.

Google Images: “Turn off”



P.S. I’m sorry that this one took a while to get out.  I’ve been really busy with stuff.  Thank you to those who keep telling me to write, and much love to those who continue to read.

About carlyuthinks

-just an average guy trying to get by with writing -aspiring english teacher hoping to inspire


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